The Bergenfield School District offers a variety of services to further enrich and engage its gifted and talented students. Below is an overview of how the district is able to address the needs of this unique population of learners. Please know that we are continually looking at ways to build upon our current programming, and do anticipate the ability to expand our offerings throughout this school year.
Gifted and Talented Program Design:
Differentiating Instruction: The district provides students at all grade levels with differentiated instruction to challenge children based upon their abilities across all areas of the curriculum. One way in which teacher are able to do this is administering pretests; those students who demonstrate mastery of core skills on this assessment will be able to compact out of the instructional unit. Teachers will provide students with alternate assignment that extend current understanding through tasks that build upon these concepts and encourage synthesis, evaluation and authentic application of the material.
Push-In Services: As the district expands its gifted and talented program, it is currently developing a push-in gifted and talented program in grades P-2 that will enable a gifted and talented teacher to be able to work on extension activities with identified students within the classroom setting. More information on this program model will be forthcoming.
Pull-Out Services: The district is currently developing a comprehensive pull-out gifted and talented program that will be interdisciplinary and inquiry-based in nature, and center around the principals of research, exploration, presentation and performance.
Select Coursework: Beginning in middle school and continuing through graduation, there are specific courses that are available to our gifted and talented students. Such courses include but are not limited to Geometry and Advanced Physics at the middle school, and the AP Capstone program, AP Studio Art and specified Career and Technical course that may require performance-based assessments and academic criteria in order to be eligible.
Co-curricular and Extension Activities:
Accelerated Learning Program (ALP): The district offers the Accelerated Learning Program after school for elementary –aged students. In this program, teachers provide students with enrichment opportunities that will help to grow and extend their current understanding of concepts in mathematics, science, English language arts and social studies.
STEAM: At the district elementary schools, and coming soon to the secondary level, are a series of ten-week after school programs grounded in the study of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. Through inquiry-based instruction, students are provided with opportunities to research, experiment and employ the design process to solve real-world problems.
Gifted and Talented Visual Arts (GTVA): The Gifted and Talented Visual Arts program is one of several ways that the district recognizes giftedness in areas that extend beyond the core academic subjects. Participants in this program are encouraged to pair their creativity and knowledge through a variety of artistic mediums in order to construct their masterpieces.
Honors Choir, Orchestra and Band: Each grade span, beginning at the elementary schools all the way through high school, has a version of this programming that offers advanced coursework during the school day, as well as additional practices before or after school to build on the talents of the district’s gifted musicians.
Quiz Bowl, Robotics Math Team: Reserved for students at the secondary level, these enrichment opportunities, though open to all, provide advanced coursework in core subject areas and allow students to further expand their knowledge and application of skills.