Wellness Center
The Bears Wellness Center
Welcome to the Bergenfield High School Bears Wellness Center! We are a place to access supports that address students physical, mental, emotional and social concerns while offering strategies to increase resiliency and overall well-being.
Children are under more pressure today than ever before. They are likely to endure more stress than previous generations. Therefore, students need to learn self-care and to manage emotions to ideally learn to self-regulate. This is a key component of stabilizing mental health.
The Wellness Center will support more student and parent/guardian/family engagement. School Administrators, teachers, and support staff will work together to improve social, emotional learning and behavioral health. The center will bring people together with a shared vision for equality and the healthy development of children.
The center will also support teachers by assisting adolescents to thrive in the classroom and beyond!
Contact Us
Wellness Center at BHS
Room 114 (Art Wing)
Linda DePinto
Student Assistance Counselor
201-385-8600 x1366
Nayad Altincatal
West Bergen Mental Healthcare